How Human Design Gives You Permission to Live as You Really Are

A permission slip for each Human Design type

Human Design is a newer system of self-discovery that has been catching fire the past few years and blazing across social media and beyond, replacing the question of what’s your sign with what’s your type?

Like astrology, your Human Design chart is based on your birth date, time, and location. In fact, Human Design draws upon astrology as well as other esoteric systems—the Kabbalah, the chakra system, and the I Ching—as well as some scientific ones, such as quantum physics and genetics.

While this hybrid system came into existence as a “download” to a man named Ra Uru Hu on the island of Ibiza in 1987, learning your type is practical and applicable even if you don’t believe in such mystical experiences. In other words, you don’t need to fully subscribe to Human Design for it to help improve your life.

The 5 types

There are five types in Human Design: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and Reflector. According to Human Design, we’re not all supposed to use our energy and operate the same way, which explains why cookie-cutter advice, such as trust your gut or go after what you want, may not have worked for you in the past no matter how hard you tried. Each type has a unique strategy to make their life work more smoothly.

The greatest value I’ve found in Human Design is that it gives you a permission slip to live your life in ways that are most natural and easy for you—and that’s actually your fast track to success.

A permission slip for each type

Manifesting Generator: permission to have a multi-hyphenated, nonlinear career

If you’re a Manifesting Generator, you are designed to pivot when what you’re doing isn’t exciting you anymore. You are designed to be multi-passionate and this can lead you to have a nonlinear career. Or at least a lot of disparate, outside interests! Know that you’re here to brilliantly master things, which means sometimes you’re ready to move on quicker than most. This doesn’t mean that you’re a quitter. It’s vitally important to pivot when something no longer lights you up or else you can drain your Energizer Bunny battery. Yes, you have lots of energy, and it’s correct to have your fingers in many pots. While it may be tempting to initiate action and go after what you want, wait to see what shows up in your environment. Then trust your strong gut instinct to tell you whether it’s the right opportunity (or person) for you.

Generator: permission to say no to everything that’s not a hell yes

As a Generator, you have a warm, radiant energy that magnetizes people and opportunities to you, that is when you’re holding good boundaries. Like Manifesting Generators, you have lots of energy, not to mention are so darn helpful, but that doesn’t mean you need to say yes to every demand or request on your bountiful energy. It’s not selfish for you to follow your desires and say no to anything and everything that feels like a drain or obligation. Give yourself permission to live for yourself (versus for others) and follow your gut instinct (versus your head) when it comes to who or what to let into your magnetic aura. Life should feel joyful and satisfying. If it’s not, it’s time to explore what brings you pleasure. This approach will spill over into all aspects of life. Pushing for an outcome will often leave you frustrated. Let life come to you instead of chasing after it.

Projector: permission to be lazy but hunger for success nonetheless

Projectors are designed to guide others and not be worker bees. If you’re a Projector, success is your energetic signature but you’re not supposed to get there the way society dictates: namely, by hustling. Success comes by first honing your niche (what you’re really good at seeing or your expertise), then making yourself visible, and then waiting to see who invites you in to share. You will be recognized but only if you don’t push yourself on others or push to make sh*t happen. Your energy works in ebbs and flows, so rest when you need to and let go of the idea that your worth stems from your productivity. In other words, don’t try so hard! And certainly don’t try to keep up with others. The more you can value your unique perspective and way of doing things, the more others will see your value and be drawn to you. In the meantime, take a nap.

Manifestor: permission to play big and do things others won’t like

Just do it is a good motto for Manifestors. You only make up 9% of the population and are the only type that can initiate: make the first move, launch movements or projects out of thin air, and in general make sh*t happen. You are meant to start something unique (but not necessarily finish it) and know that not everyone is going to be along for the ride. You are most powerful and impactful when you follow your urges and impulses and don’t apologize for them. This isn’t a lifetime to ask for permission. However, it is part of your strategy to give those around you a heads-up before you go off and do your thing. It’s totally possible to inform the people in your life of the new trail you’re about to blaze or the decision you’ve made without shrinking, people-pleasing, or asking for their blessing. Your life will become much more harmonious and peaceful when you do. Go big, go bold, and give voice to your ideas even if you’re the first one to ever express them.

Reflector: permission to be different, feel different, and act differently every freakin’ day

You are so unique, dear Reflector. In fact, your type only makes up 1% of the population, so you’re right to feel different from everyone else. The challenge and beauty of being a Reflector is that you’re not meant to have a fixed identity or direction. One day you may be bursting with energy and ideas, and the next you may need to retreat from the chaotic world to rest. You are so sensitive to other people’s energy and your surroundings. Know that you are designed to be wise about life and others and “reflect” back to people what they may not see in themselves. This gift is only possible when you don’t cling to a single identity or career but rather go with the flow of life, which magically supports you when you’re living your chameleon-like design. The more you can lean into being a mirror that reflects, and not a sponge that absorbs, the better your health and well-being will be. Your strategy is to wait a whole lunar cycle (28-ish days) before making big decisions. While this sounds pretty out there, so are you! Honor that your clarity comes with time and take pride in the fact that you’re meant to live outside the box.


Book a one-on-one reading with me to learn more about your unique Human Design.


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