What are the 5 Types in Human Design?

Human Design has hit social media by storm in the past few years. Like astrology, it’s a system of self-knowledge based on your birth time, place, and location. However, Human Design is newer. It’s only been around since 1987 when a man named Ra Uru Hu channeled its complex combination of mystical traditions and science, including the I Ching, astrology, genetics, the Kabbalah, quantum mechanics, and more.

Instead of 12 signs, there are 5 types in Human Design. Your type reveals how best to use your energy so that you can live your optimal life.

While your type is just the tip of the iceberg in understanding your Human Design chart (called a “bodygraph”), it’s a good place to start. It’s like finding out your sun sign, while astro buffs know there’s a lot more to a natal chart than that.

But understanding just the basics of your type can transform your life.

The 5 types

Look up your type here for free.


Generators make up around 36% of the population. They’re here to do what they love and become masterful at it by committing their steadfast energy. Generators are quite powerful at bringing their dreams or others’ dreams into reality.

As our builders, creators, and doers, Generators can work, work, work. But they’re most in service to themselves and others when they’re prioritizing doing what excites them rather than doing just to keep busy or because they “should” do something because someone asked them to.

The key to life for Generators is to follow their reliable gut instinct. The more Generators follow what their gut feeling is pulling them towards, and use their energy in satisfying ways each day, the more magnetic they’ll become for the right people and opportunities to show up in their world.

It’s not selfish for Generators to prioritize their joy and say no to or delegate the things that drain them, no matter how small. Because when they say yes only to what’s a full-bodied yes, it’ll not only energize them but their warm, uplifting energy will positively impact the world around them.

Manifesting Generator

Manifesting Generators make up around 32% of the population. Like Generators, they are also here to do what they love and have a tremendous capacity to bring their dreams to life.

However, they are designed to be multi-passionate in what they do, which can look like having non-linear or multi-hyphenate careers. It’s important for Manifesting Generators to pivot when something no longer excites them, without guilt. With their highly efficient energy, they can master things faster than others and sometimes skip steps along the way. They are here to evolve by moving on from what’s no longer stimulating them.

Like Generators, when Manifesting Generators prioritize their excitement and trust where their gut is pulling them everyone benefits. Manifesting Generators need the freedom to try new things and use up their energy in satisfying ways every day. This is how they stay energized and magnetic. And everyone wants to be around a lit-up Manifesting Generator.

Manifesting Generators often have a go, go, go energy and shouldn’t expect everyone to keep up. They might not make sense to others or fit in a box. Manifesting Generators have the impressive capacity to do all the things they want to, as long as they release what no longer sparks joy.


Projectors make up around 22% of the population. They are here to guide and lead others. They also are gifted at mastering or creating systems.

The most important thing for Projectors to know is that they aren’t here to be doers like Manifesting Generators and Generators. Their gift is in their wise perspective. They can offer insights to help others leverage their energy and gifts most efficiently or in new ways.

Projectors’ value is in how they see, not in how productive they are. They are not meant to go, go, go like the majority of the population. Their energy, while efficient, ebbs and flows. Projectors need space and rest throughout their day. They are vulnerable to overworking and overdoing, which can lead to burnout.

Projectors are designed to be sensitive to other people’s energy, which gives them the ability to see into others deeply. Because of their sensitivity, Projectors need to take good care of their own energy, which can mean spending time alone or for self-care. Another safeguard on their energy is to wait for others to invite in their advice, instead of giving it unsolicited.

Recognition is important to Projectors and they can feel depleted if they’re not receiving invitations to share their gifts and insights or if they’re trying to force recognition. Projectors thrive in relationships and workplaces where they are appreciated, valued, and supported. This sets them up for the success they’re meant to have.


Manifestors make up around 9% of the population. They are here to be trailblazers and powerfully impact others. They do this by initiating actions, movements, or people and by unapologetically following their urges.

Manifestors have a catalyzing nature, which can be quite provocative or disruptive. It’s important for Manifestors to know that not everyone will get them but that doesn’t mean they should shrink their power or people-please. When Manifestors unapologetically do things their way, the right people will follow and the wrong people will be pushed away.

Manifestors work best when they have freedom and control in their days, relationships, or workplaces. They don’t have consistent energy like Generators and Manifesting Generators. Rather their energy works in surges. This burst of energy could be a 10-hour workday or last for a couple of weeks. But when the surge is over, it’s imperative for Manifestors to rest.

It’s in the rest periods that the next urge, inspiration, or innovative idea comes through. It’s not Manifestors’ job to ask for permission to follow it. Just do it is a good slogan for Manifestors. Often Manifestors are ahead of their time. They’re here to bring new ways of doing things into existence, to be the first, or to profoundly change and uplevel others with their initiatory energy.


Reflectors make up only 1% of the population. They are here to be mirrors for others and reflect their wise observations. Reflectors often amplify the energies of the spaces they’re in or the people they’re around.

Highly sensitive, Reflectors can see things that everyone else misses. They are gifted at providing objective, non-judgmental assessments of what’s happening in a community. While they can deeply feel other people’s stuff, they’re not meant to take it on as their own. Though their energy is designed to be resilient, it’s important for Reflectors to take time alone, in nature, and in self-care.

Reflectors are here to express themselves in a multitude of ways and not be consistent. In fact, when a Reflector embraces their fluid, chameleon-like nature that’s when their lives become expansive and full of magical surprises. They are meant to move their energy around, sampling different people, places, and careers. The best opportunities come to them not when they’re trying to make things happen but when they’re in the right spaces.

Reflectors are here to be different and play by their own rules. Their energy can ebb and flow throughout the month, and they’d be wise to take their time making decisions so they have a chance to disentangle from the energies around them.

Lastly, it’s best for Reflectors to wait to be invited to share what they see and surround themselves with energetically healthy people who value them for their uniqueness.


Book a one-on-one reading with me to learn more about your type and your unique Human Design chart.


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